Friday, September 19, 2008

An Apple a Day....

Emily and I went on her first field trip of the year today. We went to Sky Top Apple Orchard in Flat Rock, NC. It was a perfect day for picking apples...crisp air and lots of sunshine! They told us about apples and how the trees grow. They bring in thousands of bees in the spring to pollinate flowers on the apple trees. Without those bees, the fruit would never grow. Another little piece of trivia that we learned today is that it takes the energy from 100 leaves on the apple tree to produce 1 apple! Who knew?? After the lecture, we went on a hayride around the orchard, picked 1/4 of a peck of apples, and had a picnic lunch. It was a great day! The pictures above show Emily Appleseed and her friends: Journey, Chapman, and Jackson.

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